Domestic Politics
How sophisticated scams are jeopardizing South Korea’s unique housing system
Landlords have swindled tenants out of massive deposits, but efforts to counter fraud have left victims in limbo
High steaks: The complicated politics of beef and food imports in South Korea
Consumers hit by high prices may benefit from freer markets, but Seoul will need to manage impact on domestic producers
China’s ‘wolf warrior’ rhetoric signals rough times ahead for South Korea
Yoon Suk-yeol’s alignment with the U.S., Japan over Taiwan prompts Beijing to take a harsher line with South Korea
Troubled waters: How Fukushima inspection plan could backfire for Yoon
South Korean delegation may be unable to rescue Yoon Suk-yeol from allegations he’s giving Japan a free pass
Why the Japanese public is skeptical of South Korea’s push to improve ties
Yoon Suk-yeol’s low approval rate amid possible opposition resurgence to retake the presidency have Japan feeling wary
South Korea’s opposition party falters, despite unpopular president
Multiple scandals have sent Democratic Party’s approval rating into tailspin as parliamentary elections draw nearer