The government pledges support measures for companies, but increasing national debt might limit financial capacity
The South Korean finance ministry published its 2024-2028 National Fiscal Management Plan (NFMP) on Wednesday, presenting a detailed projection of the country’s economic trajectory over the next five years.
The report forecasts moderate economic growth, a controlled inflation rate and a cautiously optimistic labor market. These projections offer potential growth opportunities for some sectors, but these will likely be subject to domestic policy changes and unpredictable global economic conditions.
The South Korean finance ministry published its 2024-2028 National Fiscal Management Plan (NFMP) on Wednesday, presenting a detailed projection of the country’s economic trajectory over the next five years.
The report forecasts moderate economic growth, a controlled inflation rate and a cautiously optimistic labor market. These projections offer potential growth opportunities for some sectors, but these will likely be subject to domestic policy changes and unpredictable global economic conditions.
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