Fierce competition and geography may hinder Seoul’s latest bid to elevate global defense presence
Poland’s Orka submarine program aims to modernize and fortify the country’s maritime defenses by procuring advanced vessels that can serve as deterrents in the Baltic Sea.
After a wave of successful weapons sales to Poland, South Korea has expressed interest in bidding for the Orka project. But despite Seoul’s proven track record of arms sales to Warsaw, a multitude of challenges make it difficult to extend this cooperation into Polish waters.
Poland’s Orka submarine program aims to modernize and fortify the country’s maritime defenses by procuring advanced vessels that can serve as deterrents in the Baltic Sea.
After a wave of successful weapons sales to Poland, South Korea has expressed interest in bidding for the Orka project. But despite Seoul’s proven track record of arms sales to Warsaw, a multitude of challenges make it difficult to extend this cooperation into Polish waters.
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