Business & Economy
Free subway rides for seniors strains South Korea’s railways, and ignites debate
Aging population is forcing policymakers to reevaluate popular senior welfare programs introduced decades ago
Samsung’s first-ever strike declaration puts tech giant in precarious position
New semiconductor head Jun Young-hyun tasked with navigating crisis, regaining edge in HBM market
New allegations Yoon meddled in marine death case fuel scrutiny of his actions
Revelation of president’s phone calls to ex-defense chief risk turning case into all-consuming political controversy
South Korea and UAE sign milestone trade agreement, boosting economic ties
UAE becomes first Arab nation to ink comprehensive economic partnership agreement with South Korea
Deadlock over radioactive waste jeopardizes future of South Korean nuclear power
Political disputes have obstructed efforts to build more storage, putting energy security and economic growth at risk
South Korea and UAE bolster economic ties with high-profile business
Business Investment Forum builds on momentum from Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
Trilateral summit outcomes shape future of trade and economic cooperation
Commitment to WTO reform and strengthening functions could have implications for ongoing trade dispute
South Korea-China summit meeting highlights opportunities and challenges
Seoul seeks to expand trade and investment with Beijing, but with new markets come new risks
Trilateral summit in Northeast Asia faces uphill battle amid rising tensions
Geopolitical dynamics and entrenched disputes pose significant hurdles for South Korea, Japan and China
Samsung’s new chipmaker head, short-selling ban, overseas purchases — Ep. 21
The Korea Pro team discusses a range of business and economic issues that dominated the headlines in the past week