Testimonies reveal systemic abuse and the failures in South Korea’s support for victims of state violence
After more than 40 years, survivors of sexual violence during South Korea’s 1980 Gwangju May 18 Democratization Movement have come forward, revealing not only the abuses committed by martial law forces but also exposing shortcomings in the country’s support systems for victims of state violence.
On Sept. 30, survivors shared their accounts during a historic testimony event at the National Assembly Library.
After more than 40 years, survivors of sexual violence during South Korea’s 1980 Gwangju May 18 Democratization Movement have come forward, revealing not only the abuses committed by martial law forces but also exposing shortcomings in the country’s support systems for victims of state violence.
On Sept. 30, survivors shared their accounts during a historic testimony event at the National Assembly Library.
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