South Korea and China appeared at odds on North Korea and economic issues at first bilateral summit since pandemic
Yoon Suk-yeol and Xi Jinping said this week that they want to work together as much as possible, but due to U.S.-China rivalry, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to do this.
The two leaders’ first meeting at the G-20 summit in Indonesia on Tuesday was cordial enough, but reading between the lines, it’s apparent that the two sides are at odds on a number of security and economic issues.
Yoon Suk-yeol and Xi Jinping said this week that they want to work together as much as possible, but due to U.S.-China rivalry, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to do this.
The two leaders’ first meeting at the G-20 summit in Indonesia on Tuesday was cordial enough, but reading between the lines, it’s apparent that the two sides are at odds on a number of security and economic issues.
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