Seoul agreed to expand economic relations with Tehran but was thwarted by Trump’s withdrawal from previous agreement
Negotiations between the U.S. and Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program are teetering on the edge of failure, and few are as anxious to know whether the two countries will strike another deal as South Korea.
Despite its American ally’s long-standing suspicions over Iran’s nuclear program, Seoul has managed to maintain economic relations with Iran and is keen to move past recent friction and resume trade with the oil juggernaut.
Negotiations between the U.S. and Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program are teetering on the edge of failure, and few are as anxious to know whether the two countries will strike another deal as South Korea.
Despite its American ally’s long-standing suspicions over Iran’s nuclear program, Seoul has managed to maintain economic relations with Iran and is keen to move past recent friction and resume trade with the oil juggernaut.
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