Senior officials offer to step down, leaving the president vulnerable to mounting political pressure
Three of President Yoon Suk-yeol’s top aides, including chief of staff Chung Jin-suk, National Security Adviser Shin Won-sik and chief of staff for policy Sung Tae-yoon, tendered their resignations on Wednesday, along with all senior secretaries. The collective resignation follows widespread criticism of Yoon’s martial law declaration, which has been labeled unconstitutional and illegal by opposition leaders and legal experts.
The abrupt departures leave the presidential office in a precarious position. Yoon has not yet decided whether to accept the resignations, as their simultaneous departure could paralyze critical administrative functions. Meanwhile, Yoon postponed a key public meeting on drug policy, signaling the possibility of further disruptions to governance.
Three of President Yoon Suk-yeol’s top aides, including chief of staff Chung Jin-suk, National Security Adviser Shin Won-sik and chief of staff for policy Sung Tae-yoon, tendered their resignations on Wednesday, along with all senior secretaries. The collective resignation follows widespread criticism of Yoon’s martial law declaration, which has been labeled unconstitutional and illegal by opposition leaders and legal experts.
The abrupt departures leave the presidential office in a precarious position. Yoon has not yet decided whether to accept the resignations, as their simultaneous departure could paralyze critical administrative functions. Meanwhile, Yoon postponed a key public meeting on drug policy, signaling the possibility of further disruptions to governance.
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