Yoon administration focuses on nuclear energy exports while managing tensions with Washington over Westinghouse dispute
South Korea and the Czech Republic agreed to deepen economic cooperation, focusing on constructing new nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. The two countries agreed on Friday to strengthen financial collaboration to ensure the successful completion of the $17.4 billion project.
The two countries’ finance ministers also signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to expand support for South Korean businesses in the Czech Republic. Additionally, they pledged to reinforce bilateral ties by establishing regular economic discussions to address macroeconomic and financial issues.
South Korea and the Czech Republic agreed to deepen economic cooperation, focusing on constructing new nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. The two countries agreed on Friday to strengthen financial collaboration to ensure the successful completion of the $17.4 billion project.
The two countries’ finance ministers also signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to expand support for South Korean businesses in the Czech Republic. Additionally, they pledged to reinforce bilateral ties by establishing regular economic discussions to address macroeconomic and financial issues.
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