Experts say corporate control over film industry crowds out smaller players, to detriment of creativity and diversity
After 66 years, the historic Daehan Cinema in Seoul’s Chungmuro district is set to close at the end of September, a development that some fear could sound a death knell for South Korea’s independent theaters.
Founded in 1958, Daehan Cinema was the first windowless movie theater in South Korea, screening foreign blockbusters like Ben Hur and serving as a film mecca until the emergence of multiplex cinemas.
After 66 years, the historic Daehan Cinema in Seoul’s Chungmuro district is set to close at the end of September, a development that some fear could sound a death knell for South Korea’s independent theaters.
Founded in 1958, Daehan Cinema was the first windowless movie theater in South Korea, screening foreign blockbusters like Ben Hur and serving as a film mecca until the emergence of multiplex cinemas.
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