The country will highlight AI and biotech efforts, but limited progress on carbon goals may undercut its position
The South Korean government stated it will participate in the G20 Research and Innovation Ministers’ Meeting in Manaus, Brazil, on Thursday. The science ministry will highlight the country’s efforts in addressing global challenges, such as carbon neutrality and biodiversity, through international cooperation.
South Korea will present its key technological strategies, including initiatives on AI semiconductors, advanced biotechnology, and quantum technology. Discussions at the meeting will focus on enhancing North-South cooperation, promoting a carbon-neutral economy, and preserving the Amazon rainforest, as well as international collaboration with organizations like the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
The South Korean government stated it will participate in the G20 Research and Innovation Ministers’ Meeting in Manaus, Brazil, on Thursday. The science ministry will highlight the country’s efforts in addressing global challenges, such as carbon neutrality and biodiversity, through international cooperation.
South Korea will present its key technological strategies, including initiatives on AI semiconductors, advanced biotechnology, and quantum technology. Discussions at the meeting will focus on enhancing North-South cooperation, promoting a carbon-neutral economy, and preserving the Amazon rainforest, as well as international collaboration with organizations like the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
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