The two-day event includes 1.5 track talks between high-level officials and industry leaders
South Korea launched a high-level summit on military artificial intelligence (AI) in Seoul on Monday, attracting over 1,000 global participants. The Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) 2024 conference, drawing representatives from 90 countries, focuses on responsible AI use in defense.
South Korean foreign minister Cho Tae-yul called for global norms on military AI, while defense minister Kim Yong-hyun stressed AI’s dual nature on military capabilities. The two-day event aims to develop frameworks for ethical AI use in defense, involving stakeholders from government, industry and academia.
South Korea launched a high-level summit on military artificial intelligence (AI) in Seoul on Monday, attracting over 1,000 global participants. The Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) 2024 conference, drawing representatives from 90 countries, focuses on responsible AI use in defense.
South Korean foreign minister Cho Tae-yul called for global norms on military AI, while defense minister Kim Yong-hyun stressed AI’s dual nature on military capabilities. The two-day event aims to develop frameworks for ethical AI use in defense, involving stakeholders from government, industry and academia.
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