South Korea seeks “reasonable” contribution level in talks, but Harris’ nomination may ease pressure on ROK negotiators
Jets on a runway during the five-day U.S.-ROK joint aerial exercise, Aug. 20, 2024 | Image: ROK air force
South Korea and the U.S. will hold the seventh round of defense cost-sharing talks from Aug. 27 to 29 in Seoul. The negotiations aim to determine South Korea’s contribution to U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) stationed in the country after 2026. The current agreement, set to expire in 2025, increased South Korea’s 2021 contribution by 13.9% to around $893 million (1.1833 trillion won) per year.
The talks resume just two weeks after the previous round, intensifying efforts to reach an agreement before the U.S. presidential election in November. South Korean officials emphasize seeking a “reasonable level” of contribution. The current agreement covers labor costs, construction and logistics support for USFK.
South Korea and the U.S. will hold the seventh round of defense cost-sharing talks from Aug. 27 to 29 in Seoul. The negotiations aim to determine South Korea’s contribution to U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) stationed in the country after 2026. The current agreement, set to expire in 2025, increased South Korea’s 2021 contribution by 13.9% to around $893 million (1.1833 trillion won) per year.
The talks resume just two weeks after the previous round, intensifying efforts to reach an agreement before the U.S. presidential election in November. South Korean officials emphasize seeking a “reasonable level” of contribution. The current agreement covers labor costs, construction and logistics support for USFK.
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