Appointment of Shin Won-sik signals shift toward assertive security stance, raises diplomatic concerns
South Korean defense minister Shin Won-sik on Oct. 9, 2023 visits Dora Observatory in Paju, Gyeonggi Province | Image: ROK Ministry of National Defense
President Yoon Suk-yeol appointed defense minister Shin Won-sik as South Korea’s new National Security Adviser (NSA), a move that signals a shift toward a more assertive National Security Office.
The ruling party praised Shin’s appointment, while the opposition expressed concerns about the need for measured diplomacy.
President Yoon Suk-yeol appointed defense minister Shin Won-sik as South Korea’s new National Security Adviser (NSA), a move that signals a shift toward a more assertive National Security Office.
The ruling party praised Shin’s appointment, while the opposition expressed concerns about the need for measured diplomacy.
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