Defense ministry refers official to prosecution amid efforts to reform intelligence command and update espionage law
South Korean defense minister Shin Won-sik delivers a speech about the incorporation of AI into South Korea's defense, July 3, 2024 | Image: ROK Ministry of National Defense
A South Korean military intelligence official has been referred to prosecution for allegedly leaking information about overseas espionage agents to a suspected North Korean informant. The civilian employee of the Korea Defense Intelligence Command faces charges of violating the Military Secret Protection Act and espionage. The leak, discovered in June, has prompted some agents to return home.
South Korean defense minister Shin Won-sik dismissed concerns about intelligence gaps, asserting that most operations have normalized. However, he pledged to implement strong measures to reform the intelligence command.
A South Korean military intelligence official has been referred to prosecution for allegedly leaking information about overseas espionage agents to a suspected North Korean informant. The civilian employee of the Korea Defense Intelligence Command faces charges of violating the Military Secret Protection Act and espionage. The leak, discovered in June, has prompted some agents to return home.
South Korean defense minister Shin Won-sik dismissed concerns about intelligence gaps, asserting that most operations have normalized. However, he pledged to implement strong measures to reform the intelligence command.
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