Experts warn of potential data leakage and cyber surveillance as TikTok and Temu expand their reach in the country
Leaked documents from iSoon, a Chinese state-affiliated hacking group, have unveiled China’s extensive cyber intrusions targeting foreign entities, including South Korea. These revelations highlight the growing risks of data security breaches and cyber espionage by Chinese hacking groups, which pose significant threats to the South Korean government and corporations.
The leaked files, which include images, chat logs and a 3-terabyte collection of call logs from South Korea’s LG Uplus telecom provider, provide unprecedented insight into China’s national security data-gathering industry.
Leaked documents from iSoon, a Chinese state-affiliated hacking group, have unveiled China’s extensive cyber intrusions targeting foreign entities, including South Korea. These revelations highlight the growing risks of data security breaches and cyber espionage by Chinese hacking groups, which pose significant threats to the South Korean government and corporations.
The leaked files, which include images, chat logs and a 3-terabyte collection of call logs from South Korea’s LG Uplus telecom provider, provide unprecedented insight into China’s national security data-gathering industry.
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