South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol stated during a cabinet meeting on Tuesday that all field police officers will be armed with “low-risk handguns” in a bid to tackle the surge in “indiscriminate crimes.” Furthermore, riot squads are set to receive new equipment specifically designed to counter bladed weapons. Emphasizing a need to revamp the police force with a concentration on public safety, Yoon revealed plans to introduce situation-specific suppression training, including virtual reality systems for improving emergency response capabilities.
Alongside these measures, Yoon announced that the South Korean government will channel an additional $55.4 million (73.2 billion won) into mental health services for ROK citizens. This move aims to enhance accessibility to urgent mental health counseling and early identification of severe mental health patients, ensuring they obtain intensive care and case management. The initiative also includes expanding mental emergency medical centers and bolstering the staff at mental health and welfare establishments.
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol stated during a cabinet meeting on Tuesday that all field police officers will be armed with “low-risk handguns” in a bid to tackle the surge in “indiscriminate crimes.” Furthermore, riot squads are set to receive new equipment specifically designed to counter bladed weapons. Emphasizing a need to revamp the police force with a concentration on public safety, Yoon revealed plans to introduce situation-specific suppression training, including virtual reality systems for improving emergency response capabilities.
Alongside these measures, Yoon announced that the South Korean government will channel an additional $55.4 million (73.2 billion won) into mental health services for ROK citizens. This move aims to enhance accessibility to urgent mental health counseling and early identification of severe mental health patients, ensuring they obtain intensive care and case management. The initiative also includes expanding mental emergency medical centers and bolstering the staff at mental health and welfare establishments.
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