On Monday, South Korean foreign minister Park Jin commemorated the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the ROK and Canada by meeting with a Canadian Senate and House of Commons delegation visiting South Korea. Park said that relations between the two countries were “closer than ever before” but also stressed the need to develop ties further.
The delegation also met with trade minister Ahn Duk-geun who proposed the countries work jointly in advanced industry sectors, such as batteries and artificial intelligence, to further strengthen their economic relationship. Trade between the two countries hit a record high of US$16.38 billion in 2022.
On Monday, South Korean foreign minister Park Jin commemorated the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the ROK and Canada by meeting with a Canadian Senate and House of Commons delegation visiting South Korea. Park said that relations between the two countries were “closer than ever before” but also stressed the need to develop ties further.
The delegation also met with trade minister Ahn Duk-geun who proposed the countries work jointly in advanced industry sectors, such as batteries and artificial intelligence, to further strengthen their economic relationship. Trade between the two countries hit a record high of US$16.38 billion in 2022.
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