President’s conservative base backs agreement with Japan, showing Yoon has free hand to pursue foreign policy vision
South Korea announced last week that it has reached a deal to resolve its long-running dispute with Japan over compensation for victims of forced labor during colonial rule. The deal was instantly controversial as it required little of Japan to resolve the issue. And soon after the polling numbers began to roll in.
A poll conducted by Sisa Research found that 60% of South Koreans oppose the deal, and a RealMeter survey similarly put the level of opposition at 58%. These results are notable because Sisa Research is the research arm of the right-leaning Sisa Journal newspaper, and both of these polls were conducted via automated response systems (ARS), which normally produce results more favorable to conservative positions.
South Korea announced last week that it has reached a deal to resolve its long-running dispute with Japan over compensation for victims of forced labor during colonial rule. The deal was instantly controversial as it required little of Japan to resolve the issue. And soon after the polling numbers began to roll in.
A poll conducted by Sisa Research found that 60% of South Koreans oppose the deal, and a RealMeter survey similarly put the level of opposition at 58%. These results are notable because Sisa Research is the research arm of the right-leaning Sisa Journal newspaper, and both of these polls were conducted via automated response systems (ARS), which normally produce results more favorable to conservative positions.
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