New survey puts South Korean president’s popularity at 8-month high but may not provide sound basis for policy decisions
A new poll has found that South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s favorability hit an eight-month high in recent weeks, as the Yoon administration promotes a controversial new deal to resolve the country’s wartime force labor dispute with Japan.
RealMeter polling conducted before Seoul announced the new deal found that Yoon’s approval rating hit 43%, up 6 percentage points from last month.
A new poll has found that South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s favorability hit an eight-month high in recent weeks, as the Yoon administration promotes a controversial new deal to resolve the country’s wartime force labor dispute with Japan.
RealMeter polling conducted before Seoul announced the new deal found that Yoon’s approval rating hit 43%, up 6 percentage points from last month.
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