Main opposition Democratic Party (DP) leader Lee Jae-myung proposed revising the Sustainable Use of Dokdo Act to designate Oct. 25 as Dokdo Day. If passed, the maritime affairs minister will have to add plans in regular reports on the use of the islets and their surrounding waters to strengthen the country’s sovereignty over Dokdo.
“Dokdo is an issue all our people are interested in... We need to institutionalize Dokdo Day and strengthen people’s interest, and the country’s use of Dokdo," Lee told reporters.
Main opposition Democratic Party (DP) leader Lee Jae-myung proposed revising the Sustainable Use of Dokdo Act to designate Oct. 25 as Dokdo Day. If passed, the maritime affairs minister will have to add plans in regular reports on the use of the islets and their surrounding waters to strengthen the country’s sovereignty over Dokdo.
“Dokdo is an issue all our people are interested in... We need to institutionalize Dokdo Day and strengthen people’s interest, and the country’s use of Dokdo," Lee told reporters.
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