Yoon administration faces uphill battle to reverse demographic trends and change public perceptions about foreigners
South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol administration wants to bring in top foreign talent to bolster the country’s declining population and drive its economy forward. But transforming what has historically been a closed society into an immigration destination won’t be easy.
To achieve the goals the new government has set forth, the country really needed immigration reform yesterday. South Korea is a rapidly aging society: Koreans live long lives and don’t have many children.
South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol administration wants to bring in top foreign talent to bolster the country’s declining population and drive its economy forward. But transforming what has historically been a closed society into an immigration destination won’t be easy.
To achieve the goals the new government has set forth, the country really needed immigration reform yesterday. South Korea is a rapidly aging society: Koreans live long lives and don’t have many children.
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