{"id":2206166,"date":"2024-08-15T15:27:33","date_gmt":"2024-08-15T06:27:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/koreapro.org\/?p=2206166"},"modified":"2024-08-16T15:45:10","modified_gmt":"2024-08-16T06:45:10","slug":"south-koreas-next-defense-minister-faces-balancing-loyalty-and-responsibility","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/koreapro.org\/2024\/08\/south-koreas-next-defense-minister-faces-balancing-loyalty-and-responsibility\/","title":{"rendered":"South Korea\u2019s next defense minister faces balancing loyalty and responsibility"},"content":{"rendered":"

President Yoon Suk-yeol\u2019s nomination of Kim Yong-hyun as the country\u2019s new defense minister has sparked intense debate, highlighting the potential benefits and risks of appointing a close ally to a crucial post.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim, a career military officer and current head of the Presidential Security Service, has known Yoon since high school and supported his transition into politics.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim brings decades of military experience to the role and, if appointed, will likely lead the country\u2019s military and defense affairs for the remainder of Yoon\u2019s term. His alignment with the president could enhance defense policy implementation and tighten control over the ministry, which has experienced various high-profile leaks and incidents.<\/span><\/p>\n

However, his nomination has reignited the opposition\u2019s criticisms of Yoon\u2019s inner circle wielding too much power. Moreover, the Democratic Party (DP) has targeted Kim in an investigation related to last year\u2019s alleged marine death cover-up, potentially laying the groundwork for a presidential impeachment proposal.<\/span><\/p>\n

Although Kim’s confirmation hearing is pending, Yoon has the authority to appoint him regardless of the outcome. If confirmed, Kim will face the challenge of balancing his loyalty to the president with the broader responsibilities of the defense ministry.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n


South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol visits ROK Army conscripts during the Chuseok holidays, Sept. 10, 2022 | Image: ROK Presidential Office<\/a><\/em><\/p><\/div>\n


Kim\u2019s nomination combines his extensive military experience with his close relationship with Yoon. A graduate of the Korea Military Academy and a former three-star general, Kim has held key positions, including helming the Capital Defense Command and director of operations at the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Colleagues and media describe Kim as meticulous, a workaholic and deeply dedicated to his job.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim played a crucial role in Yoon’s political career, helping connect him with influential figures when Yoon was sidelined during the previous administration. As the first to join Yoon’s presidential campaign team, Kim was instrumental in shaping Yoon’s defense policies.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim served as Yoon\u2019s defense policy committee chairman during the presidential campaign, advocating for the implementation of AI and advanced technology in military systems, a shift away from personnel-centered combat methods, and the introduction of a mixed conscription-volunteer system to address demographic challenges.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

He also supported the deployment of additional Terminal High Altitude Area Defense systems and cautioned against rushing the transfer of wartime operational control from the U.S. to South Korea.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim proposed several military welfare policies, including guaranteeing conscripts a monthly salary of about $1,470 (2 million won) for soldiers, legislating the recognition of military service as work experience and allowing military personnel to use their service records to secure additional points when applying for public housing.<\/span><\/p>\n

Despite being considered a potential candidate to head the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, Kim reportedly failed to secure a promotion during the Moon administration. Following his retirement from the military, he became involved in politics and developed a close association with Yoon.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim’s nomination as defense minister aligns with a broader pattern in Yoon administration appointments, characterized by a preference for trusted allies and personal connections to the president.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

While supporters argue this approach ensures loyalty and policy alignment, critics express concern that it may create an echo chamber and limit diverse perspectives in decision-making.<\/span><\/p>\n


ROK National Security Adviser Chang Ho-jin presides over an emergency National Security Council meeting to discuss North Korea\u2019s dispersal of waste balloons, disruption of the global navigation systems (GPS), and short-range missile launches, June 2, 2024 | Image: ROK Presidential Office<\/a><\/em><\/p><\/div>\n


Despite his military credentials, Kim\u2019s nomination has sparked several controversies, primarily revolving around his close ties with the president, his management style and the timing of the nomination.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim’s relationship with Yoon has been an asset and a liability. While his familiarity with the administration’s policy directions will likely help him transition into the role smoothly, it has also raised concerns about potential favoritism and the erosion of civilian control over the military.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Additionally, Kim’s role in the controversial relocation of the presidential office from the Blue House to Yongsan has been often criticized for lor creating unnecessary security risks, expending scarce political capital and wastefully spending government money.<\/span><\/p>\n

More seriously, opposition parties have implicated Kim in allegations surrounding the investigation of a marine’s death last year, claiming he may have influenced the investigation.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

The opposition has cited multiple phone calls between Kim and then-defense minister Lee Jong-sup \u2014 also under investigation for the same case \u2014 fueling speculation about his involvement.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim has denied these claims.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim has also faced criticism for the perceived overzealousness of Presidential Security Service personnel who were under his command. For instance, security service agents forcefully removed a lawmaker and a graduating student from events that Yoon had attended for attempting to protest Yoon\u2019s policies.<\/span><\/p>\n

Opposition parties branded such moves as an infringement of democratic freedoms guaranteed by the ROK Constitution, prompting opposition lawmakers to call for Kim\u2019s dismissal.<\/span><\/p>\n

Further, security lapses occurred during Kim\u2019s tenure as head of presidential security. The U.S. reportedly bugged the Yongsan presidential office in 2023, and in Dec. 2022, a North Korean drone infiltrated the no-fly zone surrounding the presidential office in Yongsan.<\/span><\/p>\n

The opposition has labeled Kim’s nomination as part of a \u201crevolving-door\u201d hiring practice and an attempt to shield him from investigations over his alleged role in interfering with the investigation into the marine\u2019s death.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n


Democratic Party lawmakers meet at the National Assembly, July 31, 2024 | Image: Democratic Party of Korea<\/em><\/p><\/div>\n


As potentially the Yoon administration\u2019s last defense minister, Kim Yong-hyun faces significant challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, Kim\u2019s military expertise and close relations with the president could enable him to modernize and strengthen South Korea’s defense capabilities and address pressing security challenges more quickly and effectively.<\/span><\/p>\n

However, Kim will need to tread carefully. The DP has already signaled on Tuesday its intent to scrutinize his actions at the upcoming confirmation hearing, particularly regarding the marine\u2019s death case and any perceived overreach in security measures.<\/span><\/p>\n

While Kim already has a positive reputation among the military brass, he must now build trust with the public and across the political aisle, transitioning from a behind-the-scenes role to a more public- and diplomatic-facing post.<\/span><\/p>\n

Kim will need to quickly address major challenges in the coming months if he is formally appointed as defense minister. These include maintaining security cooperation with the U.S. and Japan as both countries face imminent leadership changes.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Additionally, Kim must improve intragovernmental security quickly as he will be under scrutiny following a recent information leak to a Chinese national that exposed ROK black agents.<\/span><\/p>\n

Ultimately, while Kim has the credentials and background to potentially be the Yoon administration\u2019s most influential defense minister, his ability to navigate the political minefields and address pending issues will define whether or not his tenure is successful.<\/span><\/p>\n

BIO: KIM YONG-HYUN (\uae40\uc6a9\ud604, \u91d1\u9f8d\u986f)<\/b><\/p>\n

Age:<\/b> 65, born in 1959 in Masan, South Gyeongsang Province<\/span><\/p>\n

Family:<\/b> Married with one son<\/span><\/p>\n
