Failed impeachment vote ensures prolonged conflict as opposition vows to retry amid public distrust of Yoon’s leadership
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol narrowly survived an impeachment vote in the National Assembly on Saturday, with 195 lawmakers participating in the vote — five short of the 200 needed for removal. Speaker Woo Won-shik delayed the vote count until 9:20 p.m. due to insufficient attendance to meet quorum, calling the result “regrettable.”
The Democratic Party (DP) led the impeachment drive with support from five minor opposition parties, accusing Yoon of violating 16 constitutional articles and six legal statutes during his Dec. 3 martial law declaration. Most lawmakers from the ruling People Power Party (PPP) boycotted the vote, though three — Ahn Cheol-soo, Kim Yea-ji and Kim Sang-wook — remained to vote.
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol narrowly survived an impeachment vote in the National Assembly on Saturday, with 195 lawmakers participating in the vote — five short of the 200 needed for removal. Speaker Woo Won-shik delayed the vote count until 9:20 p.m. due to insufficient attendance to meet quorum, calling the result “regrettable.”
The Democratic Party (DP) led the impeachment drive with support from five minor opposition parties, accusing Yoon of violating 16 constitutional articles and six legal statutes during his Dec. 3 martial law declaration. Most lawmakers from the ruling People Power Party (PPP) boycotted the vote, though three — Ahn Cheol-soo, Kim Yea-ji and Kim Sang-wook — remained to vote.
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