Officials have been reluctant to ease measures that won praise early in pandemic but may do so in the coming weeks
Long after most countries ditched similar policies, prominent voices in South Korea have started to speak out against indoor mask mandates. The government could be lifting restrictions in the coming weeks, but it remains to be seen exactly when and to what extent.
The central city of Daejeon recently sparked controversy when it announced it would issue an administrative order to lift indoor mask requirements from January unless the central government did so by Dec. 15. Soon after the news broke, neighboring South Chungcheong Province followed suit.
Long after most countries ditched similar policies, prominent voices in South Korea have started to speak out against indoor mask mandates. The government could be lifting restrictions in the coming weeks, but it remains to be seen exactly when and to what extent.
The central city of Daejeon recently sparked controversy when it announced it would issue an administrative order to lift indoor mask requirements from January unless the central government did so by Dec. 15. Soon after the news broke, neighboring South Chungcheong Province followed suit.
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