Washington wants Seoul to take stand against Beijing’s aggression, but China sees Korea as US base for island’s defense
Try as it might, South Korea’s military relationship with the U.S. means that it can’t escape the fallout of current tensions over Taiwan.
China’s increasing assertiveness in the Taiwan Strait has raised concerns that it might only be a matter of time before Beijing makes its move. In response to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Taipei trip last month, China fired missiles near the island and simulated a blockade of Taiwan.
Try as it might, South Korea’s military relationship with the U.S. means that it can’t escape the fallout of current tensions over Taiwan.
China’s increasing assertiveness in the Taiwan Strait has raised concerns that it might only be a matter of time before Beijing makes its move. In response to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Taipei trip last month, China fired missiles near the island and simulated a blockade of Taiwan.
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