As the number of golf courses continues to grow, concerned residents fight against the powerful golf industry
“All of this will be leveled to the ground for the golf course,” Hong Chong-gwan, who runs an organic blueberry farm on the foot of a mountain in Naebang-3-ri, told Korea Pro.
Residents of Naebang-3-ri, a tranquil village just an hour’s drive from Seoul, are fighting against the development of a new golf course that threatens to destroy the untouched nature they cherish, jeopardize their water resources and diminish their quality of life.
“All of this will be leveled to the ground for the golf course,” Hong Chong-gwan, who runs an organic blueberry farm on the foot of a mountain in Naebang-3-ri, told Korea Pro.
Residents of Naebang-3-ri, a tranquil village just an hour’s drive from Seoul, are fighting against the development of a new golf course that threatens to destroy the untouched nature they cherish, jeopardize their water resources and diminish their quality of life.
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