A champion of basic income, the young lawmaker has won praise from even opponents for her legislative acumen
Yong Hye-in, 33, has emerged as a prominent figure among South Korea’s next-generation politicians, distinguishing herself as one of the youngest female lawmakers in the 21st National Assembly.
While the founder of the minor Basic Income Party, Yong has strategically run as a member of the main opposition party to stay in office, while setting herself apart from more established politicians with parliamentary speeches that frequently go viral and through her support for progressive bills.
Yong Hye-in, 33, has emerged as a prominent figure among South Korea’s next-generation politicians, distinguishing herself as one of the youngest female lawmakers in the 21st National Assembly.
While the founder of the minor Basic Income Party, Yong has strategically run as a member of the main opposition party to stay in office, while setting herself apart from more established politicians with parliamentary speeches that frequently go viral and through her support for progressive bills.
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