New party seeks to capture disillusioned voters from major parties, but doubts about the new entity’s longevity remain
Four minor opposition political parties have decided to merge to form the New Reform Party ahead of the April general elections. The new party, set to be co-led by former Prime Minister and Democratic Party (DP) leader Lee Nak-yon and former People Power Party (PPP) leader Lee Jun-seok, aims to present a unified front in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Lee Nak-yon will also head the party’s election preparation committee, with an official merger ceremony scheduled after the Lunar New Year holiday.
The choice of naming the new entity the New Reform Party, a name representing Lee Jun-seok’s new party, suggests that other factions have made significant concessions for the political merger, highlighting an urgency to consolidate with parliamentary elections just around the corner.
Four minor opposition political parties have decided to merge to form the New Reform Party ahead of the April general elections. The new party, set to be co-led by former Prime Minister and Democratic Party (DP) leader Lee Nak-yon and former People Power Party (PPP) leader Lee Jun-seok, aims to present a unified front in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Lee Nak-yon will also head the party’s election preparation committee, with an official merger ceremony scheduled after the Lunar New Year holiday.
The choice of naming the new entity the New Reform Party, a name representing Lee Jun-seok’s new party, suggests that other factions have made significant concessions for the political merger, highlighting an urgency to consolidate with parliamentary elections just around the corner.
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