The steep decline in South Korean students in China signals potential long-term impacts on bilateral relations
The number of South Korean students in China has decreased by 78.3% since 2017, according to data from South Korea’s education ministry. This year’s count also reflects a 6.5% decline from the previous year, highlighting a continuing downward trend.
In terms of global study destinations, the preference among South Korean students is shifting. Currently, 12.9% of all South Korean students abroad are in China, down 0.7% from last year and the lowest proportion since 2004. The U.S. remains the top choice, constituting 33.1% of the total abroad. China now holds the second spot, followed by Japan. However, the difference in numbers between South Korean students choosing China over Japan is decreasing.
The number of South Korean students in China has decreased by 78.3% since 2017, according to data from South Korea’s education ministry. This year’s count also reflects a 6.5% decline from the previous year, highlighting a continuing downward trend.
In terms of global study destinations, the preference among South Korean students is shifting. Currently, 12.9% of all South Korean students abroad are in China, down 0.7% from last year and the lowest proportion since 2004. The U.S. remains the top choice, constituting 33.1% of the total abroad. China now holds the second spot, followed by Japan. However, the difference in numbers between South Korean students choosing China over Japan is decreasing.
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