Dozens of support centers set to close after Yoon administration cuts millions in funding, provoking widespread concern
The Yoon administration’s 2024 budget completely dropped funding for foreign worker support centers, and the move has serious implications for South Korea as it prepares to welcome over 165,000 foreign workers next year.
This decision represents a significant reversal from the previous $5.3 million (7 billion won) allocated for the centers in 2023, and it risks depriving workers of essential support services.
The Yoon administration’s 2024 budget completely dropped funding for foreign worker support centers, and the move has serious implications for South Korea as it prepares to welcome over 165,000 foreign workers next year.
This decision represents a significant reversal from the previous $5.3 million (7 billion won) allocated for the centers in 2023, and it risks depriving workers of essential support services.
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