South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol expressed concerns on Sunday over the growing military collaboration between Russia and North Korea. He pointed to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s recent trip to Russia, where he met with Vladimir Putin and inspected various advanced military installations. Yoon warned that such cooperation breaches U.N. Security Council resolutions and various international sanctions and threatens regional stability. Highlighting global ramifications, he plans to discuss the issue at the upcoming U.N. General Assembly.
Amid speculation that North Korea could offer Russia war supplies in exchange for technology and economic assistance, Yoon reiterated that the international community would unite firmly against such moves. These developments have heightened anxieties in South Korea, with experts raising the possibility of Russia aiding North Korea in acquiring advanced weaponry like spy satellites and nuclear-powered submarines. While Yoon plans to communicate countermeasures in collaboration with the U.S., Japan and other nations, he emphasized a bolstered military alliance with the U.S. and increasing trilateral security cooperation with Japan.
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol expressed concerns on Sunday over the growing military collaboration between Russia and North Korea. He pointed to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s recent trip to Russia, where he met with Vladimir Putin and inspected various advanced military installations. Yoon warned that such cooperation breaches U.N. Security Council resolutions and various international sanctions and threatens regional stability. Highlighting global ramifications, he plans to discuss the issue at the upcoming U.N. General Assembly.
Amid speculation that North Korea could offer Russia war supplies in exchange for technology and economic assistance, Yoon reiterated that the international community would unite firmly against such moves. These developments have heightened anxieties in South Korea, with experts raising the possibility of Russia aiding North Korea in acquiring advanced weaponry like spy satellites and nuclear-powered submarines. While Yoon plans to communicate countermeasures in collaboration with the U.S., Japan and other nations, he emphasized a bolstered military alliance with the U.S. and increasing trilateral security cooperation with Japan.
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