School of thought seeks to change perceptions of past authoritarian leaders and shape the future of Korea’s democracy
South Korea is embroiled in a profound debate over its contemporary history, driven significantly by scholars and politicians associated with the “New Right” movement. These influential conservative figures advocate for a more favorable view of the nation’s authoritarian past and, following their ascension into positions of power, help directly shape the policies and rhetoric of the Yoon Suk-yeol administration.
Historical debates aren’t new territory for South Korea. Many right-wing leaders worldwide aim to reframe their countries’ past positively, leaning on nationalism for political leverage. In South Korea’s case, international media often spotlights Korea’s colonial history, scrutinizing its impact on the country’s relations with Japan.
South Korea is embroiled in a profound debate over its contemporary history, driven significantly by scholars and politicians associated with the “New Right” movement. These influential conservative figures advocate for a more favorable view of the nation’s authoritarian past and, following their ascension into positions of power, help directly shape the policies and rhetoric of the Yoon Suk-yeol administration.
Historical debates aren’t new territory for South Korea. Many right-wing leaders worldwide aim to reframe their countries’ past positively, leaning on nationalism for political leverage. In South Korea’s case, international media often spotlights Korea’s colonial history, scrutinizing its impact on the country’s relations with Japan.
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