Despite recent summit success, challenges lie ahead as Seoul seeks to raise its profile among island states
President Yoon Suk-yeol recently celebrated a noteworthy diplomatic achievement with his successful hosting of the Pacific Summit. However, carving a definitive niche for South Korea in the crowded arena of Pacific diplomacy will not be easy.
From May 29 to May 30, Yoon hosted representatives from 17 of the 18 Pacific Island Forum (PIF) members at the inaugural Korea-Pacific Islands Summit in Seoul. A dozen of these nations sent their leaders to attend, marking a significant stride for South Korea’s Pacific outreach.
President Yoon Suk-yeol recently celebrated a noteworthy diplomatic achievement with his successful hosting of the Pacific Summit. However, carving a definitive niche for South Korea in the crowded arena of Pacific diplomacy will not be easy.
From May 29 to May 30, Yoon hosted representatives from 17 of the 18 Pacific Island Forum (PIF) members at the inaugural Korea-Pacific Islands Summit in Seoul. A dozen of these nations sent their leaders to attend, marking a significant stride for South Korea’s Pacific outreach.
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