President Yoon Suk-yeol on Wednesday called Japan a partner in tackling security and economic challenges during an address to mark the 104th anniversary of the 1919 independence movement against Japanese colonial rule. “Now, a century after the March First Independence Movement, Japan has transformed from a militaristic aggressor of the past into a partner that shares the same universal values with us,” Yoon said. “Today, Korea and Japan cooperate on issues of security and economy. We also work together to cope with global challenges.”
Yoon’s remark comes as Seoul and Tokyo are negotiating a solution to the issue of compensation for Korean victims of Japanese forced labor during World War II. The issue has long been a source of friction between the two countries.
President Yoon Suk-yeol on Wednesday called Japan a partner in tackling security and economic challenges during an address to mark the 104th anniversary of the 1919 independence movement against Japanese colonial rule. “Now, a century after the March First Independence Movement, Japan has transformed from a militaristic aggressor of the past into a partner that shares the same universal values with us,” Yoon said. “Today, Korea and Japan cooperate on issues of security and economy. We also work together to cope with global challenges.”
Yoon’s remark comes as Seoul and Tokyo are negotiating a solution to the issue of compensation for Korean victims of Japanese forced labor during World War II. The issue has long been a source of friction between the two countries.
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